This is a simple flash cards memorization app for learning basic Japanese characters.

Just click the card once to reveal the meaning/pronounciation and click again to show the next card.

This app includes 46 Hiragana,  46 Katakana and 100 Kanji characters from the most common characters used in JLPT. Feel free to leave comments or feedback of any mistakes since I am not a Japanese expert.

If I find strong support or interest for this project I could expand it by adding more Kanji and add another deck of the most common Japanese words/phrases.

This was made using Godot 3.5 and written in C#.


Song: Yoitrax - Ronin

License: Creative Commons (CC BY 3.0)

Music powered by BreakingCopyright:

You can find the source code for this on my Github repo:

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